Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bomb threat on Facebook. My opinion on it

I think threats such as someone saying there going to blow up the school, or something else like that, should be taken seriously whether they were joking or not, because if someone makes a threat like that then somethings got to be wrong with them.
    The young man that threatened to blow up the school should be punished, a threat like that can't be rewarded by just letting him go with a warning, because who knows he might just really go through with the threat...if you give him the chance he needs to do it.
    The young man that threatened the school...needs help.I think that they should get him some help, and make him serve jail time for a long time,someone like him can NOT be trusted!!!!!!!!!!!
                           Here's a link to another threat that was on Facebook.

Monday, October 15, 2012

I don't like Technorati, because after I signed up I tried to log in,but it wouldn't let me,no matter how many times I tried.I even changed my password twice, and it still won't work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like Google reader a lot better.Technorati is so confusing, but Google reader is a lot easier, when it comes to following blogs, or even logging in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!